Art museums and the sea exploding across the visible border.

Art museums and the sea exploding across the visible border.

Contessa Entellina

history and beauty of the hinterland

Inland Sicily is about living the culture, its history and its emotions, without neglecting the sea, which extends not far away, as a reminder to the visitor that we are an island.

The Scala dei Turchi (the Turkish Stairs), in the province of Agrigento, is a spectacle like few others in the world. Describing it is impossible. Everything ceases in front of the sight of this enchanting white cliff on the sea.

A dazzling and majestic natural staircase that leads to the sea. A unique seaside location in the world, the Scala is linked to the legend according to which the Turks, Saracen pirates, after having moored their ships, climbed to its summit, destroying the surrounding villages.

Let's leave the sea behind and walk through the ruins of the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento.

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Valley of the Temples of Agrigento is the largest archaeological park in the world. 

It covers 1,330 hectares and features twelve temples, three sanctuaries and necropolises.

The temple of Concordia is considered the best preserved Doric temple in the world.


A symbolic, contemporary temple, which houses an open-air museum: Gibellina.

Destroyed, along with many other towns in the Belice Valley, in the catastrophic earthquake of 1968, it was immortalized, as a tribute to its memory, through many works of Land Art distributed throughout the area in which the earthquake occurred.

The largest of the works is the Cretto di Burri (Crack of Burri). A concrete casting, white expanse between the valleys, the crack is the world's largest Land Art work.

Gibellina is everywhere a permanent museum. At the entrance to the city, a massive steel star by Pietro Consagra welcomes the visitor.

Il Baglio di Stefano is a former 19th century farmhouse, just outside the new Gibellina, where the city now stands. The Baglio houses the Museum of Mediterranean Wefts.


A jurney to Sicily means combining sun, sea, food, art, history and beauty.