Journey to Donnafugata -

Journey to Donnafugata

  • Wine Masterclass
  • Hours:
  • Duration: 30 min.
  • Language: Italian

A Sensory Exploration

A sensory journey to discover Donnafugata: from the peaks of Etna to the terraced landscapes by the sea on Pantelleria. The tasting, lasting about 30 minutes, features the discovery of four labels.

The tasting begins with Rosa di Donnafugata and Dolce & Gabbana, a rosé wine born from the volcanic soils of Etna, created in partnership with the fashion brand that pays tribute to the beauty of Sicily around the world.

It continues with Vigna di Gabri, a white wine produced in Contessa Entellina, where the story of Donnafugata begins.

The journey moves on to Floramundi, a Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG from the Acate estate, for a harmonious and versatile tasting.

The trip concludes on the island of sun and wind, Pantelleria.

From these lands comes our Ben Ryè, Passito di Pantelleria, a sweet wine made from sun-dried zibibbo grapes.

Every glass of this journey tells the story of Donnafugata’s passion for quality, sustainability, and the art of winemaking, offering you an unforgettable experience, rich in emotions and discovery.

Wines to be tasted

  • Rosa Dolce&Gabbana e Donnafugata

    Rosa Dolce&Gabbana e Donnafugata 2023

  • Vigna di Gabri

    Vigna di Gabri 2021

  • Floramundi

    Floramundi 2022

  • Ben Ryé

    Ben Ryé 2022


30 min

Volcanic Wines

A Tribute to the Fire and Energy that Energize Sicily

Free entry by reservation
30 min

Journey to Sicily

Native Grape Varieties as Protagonists

Free entry by reservation
30 min

Iconic Wines

Artisanal and Creative Excellence

Free entry by reservation